Lumesse offers a complete employee performance management system for any organization looking for quick and
easy access to online training, tools to engage and motivate employees, and ways to monitor employee performance
with clear and concise reporting. With benefits for employees, managers and the entire corporation,
Lumesse makes it easy for you to inspire employees, increase productivity levels, and increase the revenue of
your business. Features of Lumesse Performance Management Solutions:
Plan for today, tomorrow and beyond
We all need a career development plan.
Whether it's objectives in our current role or a bridge to help us progress to
a new and more challenging one, it's essential to have a clear understanding of what's
required and the steps and skills needed to move up in a company.
Choose the type of review you want to run
Regardless of the type of review that
you are looking to run (360 degree, quarterly, annual, formal, or hybrid), ETWeb offers
you the flexibility to manage the performance process that suits your organization.
Successful careers, engaged employees and better business performance
Employee turnover costs money. The provision of career planning benefits both the employee
and the organization. Organizations that fail to provide career oppertunities will
sufer from lower morale, poor employee engagement and increased staff churn. By giving
members of your workforce control over their own career trajectories, the abillity to track
thier own performance, and a way to receive regular feedback on their personalized goals, you
are empowering them to drive their career forward. For HR, the right performance management
solution ensures compliance with local requirements, provides well defined performance workflows
and enables formal and information recognition programs
Pay for performance
Make sure employee performance is linked to compensation and
benefits by connecting your goals to any bonus payments. ETWeb links financial reward
back to achievement against individual, team and business performance objectives to
motivate, reward, and develop talent.